Unique Micro Design - Confidex Tags Shop
Adding items to your shopping basket

Add a product to your shopping basket by pressing the '+' button associated with the product. Each time the same '+' button is pressed, one item of the same product to your shopping basket. Some products may have purchasing limits.

Removing items from your shopping basket

Remove an item to your shopping basket by pressing the '-' button associated with the product. Each time the same '-' button is pressed, one item of that product will be removed from your shopping basket.

Viewing your shopping basket

If your shopping basket contains any product items, you can view your basket by pressing the 'Basket' button at the top-right of the page.

Clearing all items from your shopping basket

If your shopping basket contains any product items, you can clear all its contents by pressing the 'Basket' button at the top-right of the page and then press the 'Remove all items' button.

Purchasing the contents of your shopping basket

When you have finihsed shopping, press the 'Basket' button at the top-right of the page and then press 'Proceed to checkout' to provide delivery instructions and authorise payment for your order.


Your shopping basket is empty